Endless Bummer/Surf Elsewhere
Billy Al Bengston, Justin Beal, Scott Benzel, Gil Blank, Jennifer Bornstein, Carol Bove, Cameron, Anne Collier, R. Crumb, Lucy Dodd, Sam Durant, Roe Ethridge, Amy Granat, Ed Kienholz, Margaret Kilgallen, Nate Lowman, John McCracken, Adam McEwen, Dave Muller, Aleksandra Mir, Catherine Opie, Raymond Pettibon, Richard Phillips, Amanda Ross-Ho, Sterling Ruby, Ed Ruscha, Reena Spaulings, Vincent Szarek, Guyton \ Walker and Christopher Williams.
Self-Consciousness, curated by Peter Doig and Hilton Als
‘Self-Consciousness’ at VeneKlasen Werner, Berlin, is a group exhibition exploring the history and evolution of the portrait. Curators Hiltons Als and Peter Doig selected pieces that represent the diversity and evolution of modern portraiture: artists come from several generations, use varying media, and range from established to outsider. ‘Self-Consciousness’ juxtaposes distinct artists and their work in such a way that questions the definable qualities of portraiture. Despite myriad styles and genres, many of the artists share a common exploration of themes of sexuality, race, and gender. Among the featured artists are Boscoe Holder, Giorgio de Chirico, Alice Neel, Glenn Ligon, and Chris Ofili.
The Alchemy of Things Unknown (and a Visual Meditation on Transformation)
The artists in this exhibition, some more explicitly than others, sought after or seek spiritual truths through art making and employ an almost fervent and reverent experimentation to their practice, one that is both ritualistic and against the grain. This mystic behavior is what defines the show; the persistence on new and unorthodox visual experimentation reaches beyond the worldly sphere to heightened states of consciousness.
This exhibition is made possible, in part, by the generous contributions of William Breeze, Ordo Templi Orientis, Richard Metzger, John Contreras, Scott Hobbs, David Brafman, William Swofford Cameron, Hetty Maclise, and The Estate of Alfred Jensen.